Title: Assassination Game (2016) - Russian Action Thriller Plot Summary: Assassination Game is a gripping Russian action thriller released in 2016. Set in modern-day Russia, the film follows the story of a highly secretive and deadly game known as the "Assassination Game." This game involves a group of skilled assassins who are pitted against each other in a battle for survival. The game is organized by a mysterious organization, and the last assassin standing is promised a substantial reward and the opportunity to retire from their dangerous profession. As the game begins, the audience is introduced to a diverse group of assassins, each with their unique set of skills and motives. Among the contestants are Ivan, a former military sniper seeking redemption; Natalya, a skilled martial artist with a tragic past; and Andrei, a cunning and ruthless hitman. As the game progresses, alliances are formed, betrayals occur, and the assassins must navigate a treacherous world of deceit and danger. The plot takes a thrilling turn when the assassins realize that they are not only competing against each other but also being hunted down by a powerful and relentless enemy. With their lives on the line, the assassins must go to great lengths to survive, using their skills, intelligence, and resourcefulness to outwit their pursuers and eliminate their opponents. Cast: 1. Ivan - Played by Sergei Ivanov - Sergei Ivanov delivers a captivating performance as Ivan, a haunted and tormented former sniper seeking redemption. Ivan's exceptional marksmanship and determination make him a force to be reckoned with in the game. 2. Natalya - Played by Olga Petrova - Olga Petrova portrays Natalya, a skilled martial artist with a tragic past. Her agility, combat skills, and intelligence make her a formidable opponent in the Assassination Game. 3. Andrei - Played by Mikhail Volkov - Mikhail Volkov brings intensity to the character of Andrei, a cunning and ruthless hitman. Andrei's resourcefulness, deceit, and ability to manipulate others give him a strategic advantage in the game. Release Information: - Release Date: September 15, 2016 - Director: Alexei Petrov - Language: Russian (with English subtitles) - Genre: Action, Thriller - Runtime: 120 minutes Other Works by the Cast: - Sergei Ivanov: "Deadly Secrets" (2014), "Undercover Agent" (2015) - Olga Petrova: "The Silent Assassin" (2013), "Redemption Road" (2015) - Mikhail Volkov: "The Perfect Target" (2012), "Double Cross" (2014) Note: The provided information is fictional and created for illustrative purposes.